Earn your Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP) Credential

Madison Community Foundation invites advisors to join its Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy group this year. The Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® (CAP) credential is offered through the American College of Financial Services and provides donors, attorneys, tax planners, development professionals and wealth advisors with a common body of knowledge to better integrate charitable gift planning into donors’ and clients’ financial, business and estate plans.


Through the CAP program’s three remote-learning graduate-level courses, advisors learn innovative ways to help donors and clients achieve a positive outcome for themselves, their family and their community while fulfilling their philanthropic goals. The cross-disciplinary curriculum synthesizes the art and science of philanthropic planning including taxation, finance, fundraising, purposeful planning, family office dynamics and strategic philanthropy.

MCF’s CAP study group provides advisors an opportunity to join a cohort of professionals who will meet and learn together as they prepare for the CAP exams. MCF study group sessions feature guest speakers and provide opportunities to network, discuss the coursework, and share observations on how the lessons apply to participants’ respective practices.

You can join MCF’s learning cohort that will go through the course together starting in April 2024 through January 2025, or join the cohort’s study sessions but work independently on your own timeline, taking up to five years to complete the coursework.

Learn more about the CAP credential at https://www.theamericancollege.edu/designations-degrees/CAP and read a blog by past participant, Anna Burish, here.

If you are interested in joining MCF’s 2024 study group, please contact Camille Zanoni, Director of Donor & Giving Partner Engagement, at czanoni@madisongives.org or (608) 446-5946.

How MCF Works With You

Madison Community Foundation’s philanthropic advisors help you achieve your clients’ charitable giving goals.

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