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Save the Date: Madison Gives 2025

Tuesday May 20 | Monona Terrace

Past Events

Annual Advisor Seminar: Planning for Gifts of Non-Cash Assets

On Tuesday, September 10, by Bryan Clontz, a nationally-recognized expert on strategies for structuring gifts of non-cash assets led a discussion for financial, legal and other advisors from our community about how they could help their clients achieve their philanthropic goals by making tax-efficient gifts of non-cash assets, including closely held business interests

2024 Advisor Webinar Series: Educating Clients on Charitable Giving Options

Thursday May 23, 2024

Jennifer Ridley Hanson and Jessica Schwanted shared approaches to helping clients incorporate charitable giving into their financial and estate plans

Watch the replay

Madison Gives

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 | Monona Terrace

We had a wonderful time celebrating philanthropy in Madison at our annual dinner, and shared an exciting announcement too.

See the videos and read more about the Goodman Nonprofit Center.

2024 Advisor Webinar Series featuring Dr. Russell James

Wednesday, April 3, 2024 | noon to 1:00 p.m.

Join us for this complimentary webinar for advisors: "The Top 10 Charitable Financial Planning Strategies for Advisors: Helping Your Clients and Your Business with Charitble Planning." Learn how to provide benefit to your clients while improving your assets under management; incorporate gifts of retirement plans and insurance into your clients' charitable giving; and help your clients use non-cash assets for their giving.

Watch the replay.

Community Impact Grant Announcement

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 | 11:00 a.m. | Madison Public Library

We had to cancel the announcement event because of the weather, but you can read all about our 2023 Community Impact grants here.

Legacy Society Luncheon 2023

MCF's Legacy Society members gathered at the Overture Center for our fall Legacy luncheon. Bridget Fraser, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra, shared what legacy giving has allowed their organization to accomplish. In a moving video, Legacy Society member Sharifa Merchant shared how she is using charitable gift annuities to honor her husband's memory and leave a legacy of support for organizations that have had an impact on her life.

Watch Sharifa's story.

Share Your Story: How to Communicate More Effectively

Communicators from several area nonprofits joined MCF's communication team to discover ways to communicate more effectively with existing donors and prospects. In this interactive workshop, participants created tools to use with their organization's communications and social media posts.

Philanthropic Giving: From Inspiration to Implementation

This event, designed for professional advisors and nonprofit leaders, explored how these groups can work together to help donors identify and achieve their philanthropic goals. It was approved for 2.0 CLE credits.

Madison Gives Annual Dinner

If you weren't able to join us as we celebrated philanthropy in our community, you still can enjoy the videos we shared:

  • In 2023, A Fund for Women celebrates its 30th annivesrary. When AFFW was founded, it still was not common for women to be involved with philanthropy. Today, the fund and the women who support it are supporting women and girls throughout our community to that they can reach their full potential. Watch Celebrating 30 Years of A Fund for Women
  • Anne Iwata shared how she and her husband, Darren Stucker, believe in being kind and doing the right thing, working for social justice and living life to its fullest. Anne shared how she created two funds after Darren diet to honor the values they shared and to support the causes that were important to them. Watch Anne Iwata's Legacy, A Way to Remember, and to Share.

If you would like to watch the entire program, you can watch the livestream replay.

Nonprofit Fundholder Conversations: Storytelling for Fundraising

Our popular Nonprofit Fundholder Conversations are back for 2023. These informative sessions for nonprofits that hold endowments at MCF covers a range of topics. In our first session, Tom Linfield lead a hands-on workshop on developing a compelling one-pager to tell your organization's story to potential fundholders.

You can find the resources shared at this session here.

Art Party

MCF was happy to host the January Art Party Happy Hour. Dozens of create people joined us for food, drinks and an opportunity for conversation and connection with others involved in the arts in Madison.

Legacy Society Brunch 2022

We were excited to gather togther in person again at MyArts for our 2022 celebration of our Legacy Society members. If you weren't able to join us, you can still enjoy photos of the event and the video we shared. See what makes this event special.

Madison Gives 2022

We enjoyed seeing so many of you at Madison Gives on Tuesday, and connecting with others who joined our first-ever livestream event. It was wonderful to be able to gather in person after so long. 

If you weren't able to join us, you can still enjoy the videos we shared. Learn more about:

  • How Bill & Jan DeAtley are making a difference in our community through their support of so many organizations. They shared their story with us, and you can watch it here.
  • The Boys & Girls Clubs of Dane County, and their new skilled trades career pathway and the McKenzie Regional Workforce Center. Learn more about this transformational project here

You can watch a recording of the livestream program here if you'd like to experience the full event.

Legacy Society Luncheon

Unfortunately, we were unable to gather in person for our annual Legacy Society Luncheon due to the pandemic. But we still wanted to recognize our wonderful Legacy Society members. You can watch our video program here

Madison Gives 2021

Thank you for joining us at our virtual Madison Gives event this year. If you weren't able to attend and would like to see the presentation, you can watch the recording below.

Webinar: Philanthropy and the African American Community

According to a report by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, nearly 2/3 of all African American households donate to charitable causes, and African American donors give 25% more of their income annually than their white counterparts. Angela Davis, Development Director at Madison Community Foundation, moderates a panel that explores philanthropy and the African American community in this webinar hosted by the Wisconsin Association of Charitable Gift Planners and sponsored by Madison Community Foundation.

Webinar: Raising Capital in Uncertain Times

Tom Lindfield, Vice President of Community Impact, joined Carrie Sanders, Founder of Hope Community Capital, and Amanda White of Amanda White Consulting, for a webinar on strategies to make progress on your capital-raising goals during the pandemic. The webinar was sponsored by Hope Community Capital.

Watch the webinar replay

Ready, Set, Communicate

On Thursday, September 19, MCF held its final Nonprofit Fundholder Conversation: Ready, Set, Communicate. MCF Communications Director Becki Fiegel was joined by Yvette Jones, president and creative director at designCraft Advertising, and Barb Hernandez, president of BCH OnPoint.

If you missed the session, or would like to have the presentation for future reference, you can find it here.

Legacy Society Luncheon

On Thursday, September 12, MCF Legacy Society members gathered for a luncheon at Overture Center to celebrate the extraordinary impact legacy giving has on our community. In addition to recognizing the legacies recently realized, we learned more about what movtivates some Legacy Society members to give. Afterwards, members were treated to a behind-the-scenes tour of Overture's Main Hall. 

If you missed the event, you can watch the video now. Photos from the event will be posted on MCF's Facebook page soon. 

The Legacy Society honors people who support the causes they care about by naming Madison Community Foundation in their will or estate plan. If you are interested in learning more or joining the Legacy Society, contact David Koehler at (608) 232-1763 or

Madison Gives 2019

On May 21, 2019, MCF celebrated philanthropy and impact with more than 600 supporters at the 2019 Madison Gives dinner. The event, held at Monona Terrace, featured performances by the Madison Boys Choir and the Children's Theater of Madison. At the event, MCF President Bob Sorge and Paul Fanlund, editor and publisher of The Cap Times, announced a $1 million combined grant from MCF and The Evjue Foundation to the Madison Youth Arts Center.


Making an Impact

My Arts. Our Moment. 

Save the Date: Madison Gives 2020 will be held on Thursday May 14.

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