Letting Black Girls' Natural Gifts Shine
Since 2018, Black Girl Magic Educational Services has provided a variety of programs to build confidence, creativity and uplift the magic in Black girls across Madison. Founder Rosa Thompson has grown a conference with great impact into a multi-faceted organization, “forming a safe and affirming community where girls can authentically and unapologetically be themselves,” explained Thompson.
These programs include consulting from Black professionals; free enrichment activities in dance, STEM, art and sports led by local organizations; and the organization’s signature event, The Black Girl Magic Conference, which now hosts more 1,000 attendees each year.
The grant from MCF will help Black Girl Magic expand its programming to offer mentor groups in Madison elementary and middle schools.
“It is extremely important to us to have consistent support and programs for our girls,” said Thompson. Black Girl Magic plans to train Black women to lead girls’ groups to build positive relationships between schools and communities. The organization is hoping to involve 150 girls from four schools in these groups, which will focus on positive identity development, leadership skills, mental health, cultural representation, navigating relationships and more.
Fostering the connection between Black girls and professional Black women mentors furthers the Black Girl Magic mission “to provide opportunities for Black girls by empowering them to let their natural gifts shine,” stated Thompson